Friday, January 11, 2008


Here’s how it works: Link to the person that tagged you: Christel Pistol

Post the rules for the meme on your blog. And here they are:

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, tag 7 (or so) random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I would rather spend my time alone than with people. It's just the way I work. I'm a halfway social person, but more often than not, I would rather be by myself, unless it's with my friends and certain members of my family.

2. I own alot of movies. 144 to be exact, which is slightly over half of what I previously owned before a certain theiving event.

3. I cannot... repeat cannot go into a store that sells movies without perusing the selections. More often than not, I also can't leave without buying anything.

4. I have no full blood siblings. I have a half-sister from my dad, a half-brother from my mom, and a step bother and sister from my step mom. So when I say there is no one else like me, and I am one of a kind... I AIN'T LYIN'.

5. I have played every position in football besides offensive line and kicker.

6. My favorite beer is Shiner Bock, and it is all my sister's fault.

7. I am joining the NAVY.

Since I am the last in a long line... I have no one to tag.... sad isn't it?

I need new friends.

1 comment:

christelpistol said...

that shiner bock one is such a goooooooooooooooooooood one too.