Friday, June 11, 2010

Hi.... It's been a while...

I've been away. Since May of last year, I've been absent from here. What can I say? I've been super busy!

I'll get to writing more often here very soon, but let me give a little update as to whats gone on since I last wrote.

-I moved from Corpus Christi to Norfolk VA. Fuck that place. I can't wait to leave it.

-I went on deployment to Bahrain, which is a tiny island off the coast of Saudi Arabia. As of right now, I am one month away from coming back to America. 5 months in the books.

-Had 2 failed relationships (surprising).

-Made Second Class Petty Officer in just under two years in the Navy. Not too shabby.

-My grandfather passed away (I will post the thing I wrote for him soon).

Besides that, not much else happened. Pretty much just life in general. OH I forgot, my brother Bryan got married! So happy for him and Rachel. Anyways, I will leave you with anticipation for my next post which should come soon.

Goodnight all. You may return to your lives now.


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